Raum 404, Eckerstr. 1
Matthias Nagel (TU Kaiserslautern):
Kirwan polytopes and representations
Vortrag im Rahmen des SFB/TR 71 |
Raum 404, Eckerstr. 1
Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford University, USA):
Kähler-Einstein metrics with edges
Vortrag im Rahmen des SFB Transregio 71
I will discuss the geometric problem of finding KE metrics which are bent along a divisor, and the equivalent analytic problem of solving the associated singular Monge-Ampere equation. There are several interesting applications for these metrics. Furthermore, the classical Aubin-Yau estimates do not work in this setting and a new route to the solvability of this equation must be found. This is joint work with Jeffres and Rubinstein. |
Raum 404, Eckerstr. 1
Natalie Peternell:
Kozykel für charakteristische Klassen in der glatten Deligne-Kohomologie
Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen meines letzten Vortrags werde ich (nach einer kurzen Wiederholung) die Unabhängigkeit von getroffenen Wahlen und die Natürlichkeit der Konstruktion untersuchen. |
Raum 404, Eckerstr. 1
Professor C.B.Croke (University of Pennsylvania):
Scattering and length rigidity on some Riemannian manifolds with trapped geodesics
Vortrag im Rahmen des SFB/TR 71
We discuss how to show that the flat solid torus is scattering rigid.
We will consider compact Riemannian manifolds M with boundary N. We
let IN be the unit vectors to M whose base point is on N and point
inwards towards M. Similarly we define OUT. The scattering data
(loosely speaking) of a Riemannian manifold with boundary is map from
IN to OUT which assigns to each unit vector V of IN a unit vector
W in OUT. W will be the tangent vector to the geodesic determined by
V when that geodesic first hits the boundary N again. This may not be
defined for all V since the geodesic might be trapped (i.e. never hits
the boundary again). A manifold is said to be scattering rigid if any
other Riemannian manifold Q with boundary isometric to N and with the
same scattering data must be isometric to M.
In this talk we will discuss the scattering rigidity problem and
related inverse problems. There are a number of manifolds that are
known to be scattering rigid and there are examples that are not
scattering rigid. All of the known examples of non-rigidity have
trapped geodesics in them.
In particular, we will see that the flat solid torus is scattering
rigid. This is the first scattering rigidity result for a manifold
that has a trapped geodesic. The main issue is to show that the unit
vectors tangent to trapped geodesics in any such Q have measure 0 in
the unit tangent bundle of Q. We will also consider scattering
rigidity of a number of two dimensional manifolds (joint work with
Pilar Herreros) which have trapped geodesics.. |
Raum 404, Eckerstr. 1
Patrick Emmerich:
Area growth and rigidity of surfaces without conjugate points
A complete Riemannian manifold has no conjugate points if each of its geodesics is homotopically minimizing, i.e. if each lift of each geodesic to the universal Riemannian covering is minimizing. A theorem of E. Hopf from 1948 states that 2-tori with no conjugate points are flat. We prove flatness in case of the plane and the cylinder under optimal conditions on the area growth. The area growth of a surface is defined as the limit inferior, as r tends to infinity, of the quotient of the area of the metric r-ball about an arbitrarily fixed point and the area of a metric r-ball in the Euclidian plane. We prove that a complete plane with no conjugate points has area growth greater than or equal to one, and that equality holds only in the Euclidian case. The results were obtained in joint work with Victor Bangert. |
Raum 404, Eckerstr. 1
Johannes Frank:
Totalkrümmung immersierter Laminationen mit transversalem Maß |
Raum 404, Eckerstr. 1
Nadja Fischer:
Die infinitesimal-äquivariante Eta-Invariante
Ich werde in meinem Vortrag eine Vergleichsformel für die G-äquivariante Eta-Invariante von Donnelly und der infinitesimal-äquivarianten Eta-Invarianten, die in Verbindung zur Eta-Form aus dem Indexsatz für Familien von Mannigfaltigkeiten mit Rand steht, anschaulich herleiten. Im Anschluss möchte ich auf Schwierigkeiten im Beweis der Existenz der infinitesimal-äquivarianten Eta-Invarianten hinweisen. |
Raum 404, Eckerstr. 1
Anja Fuchshuber:
Eta-Formen für Familien mit integrabler horizontaler Distribution |
Hörsaal Weismann-Haus Albertst. 21
Timo Essig (Uni Heidelberg):
About a de Rham complex describing intersection space cohomology in a non-isolated singularity case
For manifolds Poincaré duality is one of the most important properties
of singular (co)homology theory. However proceeding to singular
spaces, in general ordinary singular (co)homology does not satisfy
Poincaré duality no more. But there are several generalized
(co)homology theories
for pseudomanifolds that satisfy Poincaré duality. One of those
theories is M. Banagl's (co)homology theory of Intersection Spaces.
In [Ban11] M. Banagl derived an alternate description of Intersection
Space cohomology of a stratified pseudomanifold X, in cases where one
has a singular stratum with flat link bundle endowed with a Riemannian
metric such that the structure group of the bundle is contained in the
isometries of the link. For that purpose he makes use of a certain
subcomplex of the complex of differential forms on M, the non-singular
part of X. In the isolated-singularity case the existence of an
isomorphism between the two descriptions was shown.
We want to generalize this De Rham isomorphism to the non-isolated
singularity case where we have a trivial link bundle. We therefore
make use of the Künneth-theorem. |